Friday, September 27, 2013

Back on Track

Last Sunday, I posted this on Instagram...

I felt like I needed to re-focus so I re-evaluated my goals. In a few weeks, we are going on a road trip (fun!) and I'm running a 5K with a good friend from high school (super fun!). Side note -- he tried to talk me into running a half marathon but I said no. I would never say never to a half marathon but I want to work on my 5K skills first. My goal is to finish my second 5K in under 40 minutes (Goal #5). I finished my first in 41:55. My friend will probably finish at least 10 minutes faster than me but he told me that he will come back and get me, because "no one gets left behind." 

As for my other four goals, I have been doing well so far on tracking all of my food and fitness and running every other day. I have honestly not been doing great with the water consumption. I have never been one to drink much water, and although I know it is good for me, drinking that much makes me have to pee. All. The. Time. 

That leaves me with my gym goal. I got a great deal on a lifetime 24 Hour Fitness gym membership many years ago. (I only pay $49/year. I know. It was a crazy good deal.) I wanted to set a specific goal to get me to start using it more often. I am getting a bit bored with my walking/running/elliptical cardio so I want to give the stair master a try, as well as a class or two. I know I need to add in more strength training as well. I'm getting there. 

I'm off today and Monday so there is plenty of time for fitness fun this weekend. 
  • Friday (today): 5+ mile walk with my honey at one of our favorite spots.
  • Saturday: Couch-to-5K training and then I may hit up the gym for a new-to-me class. 
  • Sunday: Two friends convinced me to do an epic walk. EPIC. More on this after I do it. Oooooh, a teaser! 

I'll end with sharing a photo from when I made the most of my 1.5-day business trip to our state capitol. I got up at 6 am yesterday for a run/walk and enjoyed this:

California Love.

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